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How to be an expert in the blogging ?

Starting a blog about your hobby, expertise, passion, or business can be a powerful move in the modern world. Blogging offers opportunities like raising your profile, connecting with others, and growing your network if you do it the smart way.

So that’s what today’s article is going to be dedicated to. Read further to learn about five essential tips on how to be an expert in the field of blogging. These tips include things some of the already successful ones wished somebody would have told them back in a day when they first started their blog.

Who you are

So the first and the most important tip is to know who you are. When you’re starting to figure out what content you want to put out there, you have to know who you are and who you aren’t. And stick to it. If you carefully build your audience around the thing and then change overnight, it’ll be a shock to the system. Or if you’re all over the place all the time, people won’t know what you’re about, and it might be too confusing to stick around.
One mistake some bloggers make is that they try to do “all the blogger things.” One day they’re wearing the luxurious brand, the next they’re posting about a dress under $15, then they share the experience of taking a luxurious trip, then they’re complaining about their full-time job posting coffee pics, then they’re launching a new website, then they’re starting a vegan diet and working out every day, sharing healthy recipes.
You should not be upset about being passed for specific opportunities because the reason for that can be that that’s just not who you are. It doesn’t mean that you should change who you are; it just means that the opportunity wasn’t best for you.
Pro Tip: For selecting a niche, you might want to find the middle ground between the field that
suits your personality and interests and also represents an excellent subject to share and write
about. Here are some of the most profitable niches, according to several websites and experts.
● Health
● Fitness
● Weight Loss
● Making Money Online
● Dating & Relationships
● Self-Help
● Finance
● Beauty & Fashion
● DIY / Home Decor
● Technology

The second tip refers to the content. Once starting blogging, one of the things that a lot of people are struggling with is that they might have a hard time coming up with something to write about. It is always essential to come up with an idea of what “your niche” is going to be. Try to keep it narrow so that you have a specific take on something and that people know when they come to your blog that that’s what you are going to be talking about. However, remember also
to keep it broad enough so that you still have things to talk about overtime. You don’t want to
keep things super specific where after blogging for six weeks, you’ve just wholly exhausted the list of things to blog about. Still, you also don’t want to be so broad that you could blog about absolutely anything, and your readers are going to be so confused when they come to your blog because they don’t get what you’re about.
Pro-Tip: To help you figure out the content when you’re getting your blog off the ground to sit down and try to come up with 50 blog posts ideas if you are starting a successful blog you are going to have more than 50 blog posts over time, but 50 number is a sweet spot of knowing that you have tons of stuff to write about. One way to come up with ideas is just to look around and try to get inspired by everything.

You need to make sure that even if you are just starting and you are still figuring things out that you are putting out the best content that you can put out. This condition includes the best writing and best photography. You’re going to get better over time, and you will continue to perfect things and figure out what works for you, but don’t just try to whip something up and think that it’s “just fine the way it is.” If you want to compete with other expert bloggers that are out there, you should put in the effort to make your content great, that’s what is going to help you stand out among other people who have been doing it for nine or eight years. A widespread mistake is for people who are starting blogs to take photographs at night, and it’s dark, and it’s grainy. You can’t get a good clear idea of what their personality is, and there’s a striking difference between that which just looks kind of like lackluster versus someone who has been doing it for a long time and has a much more polished look. So go through some of the accounts that you are inspired by or that you think are amazing even if it’s not the same niche as you and then try to figure out how to get your content to be that great.
Pro-Tip: You don’t need a fancy camera, you can take incredible photos and videos with your iPhone, and the key is that you just need to focus on lighting. Try to use as much natural light as possible. In case natural light is impossible, you can try to find a light source in the room; that’s going to help brighten things up and play around with it. Remember that the whole process is supposed to be fun, and it should be an experiment where you are going to improve and learn as you go, and that’s part of the fun of it.

People often say that it is quality over quantity, but in this case, the key is quality in a consistent quantity. Figure out what is going to work for you and don’t try to go overboard if you can’t commit to putting up a blog post every single day - don’t put up a blog post every single day. Sit down and say I know that I can guarantee blog posts twice a week, and that is going to be on Sundays and Wednesdays and stick to that will be your quantity. It is essential to be consistent with how often you are posting. You don’t want to go 60 miles an hour right at the start, and then all of a sudden, after two weeks of doing that, you completely burnt yourself out and have to take two weeks off. That’s not going to make someone that feels enthusiastic or excited to follow you if they feel like they’re not going to get a specific amount of content. People should know what to expect from you and as long as you’re meeting those expectations that are going to be enough. There’s also an essential social media component and try to be on as many platforms as you can without losing the quality of your content.
Pro-Tip: For instance, you want a blog and a YouTube channel, but you don’t have time for Instagram and Twitter or saying you don’t have time for YouTube, so you’re just going to focus on your blog and Instagram. So figure out what’s going to work for you where you are not losing the quality of your content but that your readers know exactly what to expect from you and that you keep the hamster wheel moving without burning yourself out. Still, you’re also not just disappearing and only coming in sporadically.

After learning how to increase the number of followers, the next question is almost always, “how do I make money?” There are several ways of monetizing your blog. The most popular is to affiliate links and sponsored content.

Lots of different retailers belong to affiliate networks. However, various blogger networks make it easy and seamless. Instead of having to apply to and work with a hundred different retailers, it might be better for you to use the network and get access to all the retailers within the system. You may lose a little commission because of working with a middle man, but the convenience and access make it worth it. Two of the big ones are Shop Style and reward Style. The last one works through conversion (you make money when someone makes a purchase), and Shop Style works through clicks (you get paid per click, and the price is based on an algorithm that considers your conversion rate). To make significant money through either of these programs, you have to have an engaged audience.
Pro Tip: Whether you’re making 10 cents on a click or $10 on a sale, think of how many of those you might need to make up a salary.

Sponsored Content
When brands and agencies start reaching out about sponsored content, it may be the right time to begin considering it. However, it may not be the best idea to reach out to brands on your own. Once you have quality content that you’re proud of and want to start working with brands, it might be better to wait for them to email you. Another option to consider is joining a blogger network. There are tons and tons out there nowadays, but it is essential to be very picky about which to enter and even more so which offers to accept. (Frequently, proposed campaigns are very “basic”/grocery store type items: deodorants, soap, etc.)
Pro-Tip: Sponsored content can be tricky, so here’s some advice. You have to be ready to say no to sponsored content and not be tempted by the money because it’s not great for your brand in the long run. For instance, if you say no to $1,000 for a brand that does not speak to you in the first year of blogging, you may better increase your audience so you can consistently make more than $1,000 and more frequently in the second year. Think in the long term. When agreeing to do a sponsored post, the key is to work closely with the brand and agency to set expectations. The best way is to have in writing all details like when to post, what is the goal of the brand in terms of each post, what your promise is, what’s included, what happens if the brand doesn’t approve something, etc. Included in those expectations is being as open and honest as possible about your numbers. Of course, it is necessary to be a great negotiator, but when you’re trying to build long-term relationships with a brand, you must be honest about what they can expect from your post.

So these are five most practical tips, but here is the sixth one for those of you who are reading this and who have not yet started the blog or that Instagram account, or YouTube channel, whatever project that you are thinking about doing you just need to Start. It is always a good idea to just start and learn as you go as opposed to waiting for the right time. You should only get it out of your head, follow your passion, start, and the rest will all fall into place. You can never know what lies ahead of you or how fulfilling having your blog could be if you don’t just start.


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