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How to become an expert in web development ?

A web developer is popularly known as a programmer who generates web-applications that can be
accessed via the internet. The applications have specific functions and features, responsible for
building programming languages.

Web Development comprises of two major categories:
 Front End Web Developer: Popularly known as client-side development, builds and designs
various layouts, appearances, themes, and features for a website.

 Back End Web Developer: Helps in building the dynamic system of a website. Design the best
framework, allowing data to get easily transferred from the web server to the browser.

Honestly, if you display the zeal to acquire new things, then learning both the roles is not a big
challenge for you. If you want to learn both, it is going to be beneficial for your career. Developers
with the knowledge of both the Front End and Back End web development are known as Full Stack
Developers, getting highly paid.

Programming Languages for Web Developers:

Now if you want to be a professional web developer, you need to know certain programming
languages. Codes are an integral part of creating a website. You must know the problems of sites can
be erased with the help of codes or programming languages only. You can learn the basics through
online learning portals and be a professional programmer.

Listed below are some programming languages that are beneficial for any web developer.
 JavaScript: This is a Front End coding language. Its implementation is done on the client’s
portal. It gives users a great experience and is extensively used by web developers. If you
want to be a Front End web developer, then this is a must-learn for you.

 HTML & CSS: Neither of the two is a programming language. They are mark-up tools which
are used to develop the user interface and web pages. HTML is a common hypertext mar-up
language constructing the layouts and contents of all the web pages. CSS helps to control the
display of the same. This is known to be the backbone of every site. Hence, if you are an
aspiring Front End web developer, you must be well acquainted with HTML & CSS.

 Bootstrap: Provides a base for generating mobile-first, responsive sites. It is an open-source
CSS structure. Once you are well versed in HTML & CSS, you will easily learn to use it.
Bootstrap was created in 2011 and till now its popularity is growing positively. It is now used
by 90% of the websites for generating traffic.

 jQuery: It was designed to ease out HTML DOM tree operations. jQuery is a JavaScript library
which is extensively used by Front End developers. When you get comfortable with the
standard JavaScript, then you should opt for learning jQuery.

 React.js: It is also a JavaScript library which helps in creating a better user interface, single
pages, or mobile applications. Recently, recruiters are looking for professionals who have
knowledge and expertise in React.js. Thus, to secure your dream job, knowing this
programming language becomes a plus point. The programming languages are getting
updated at a regular interval. So, learning these languages based on their recent updates
becomes a must.

 PHP: In the 1990s, it was created as a server-side language. While creating web pages PHP is
used as the coding language. If you want to be a Back End developer, you must know PHP
skills to ace the job.

 MySQL: It is used to store the data that gets displayed on websites. It is a free and opensource
database which helps in running the website efficiently. You should learn the
database management and the SQL language with the help of SSH and the PHP MYAdmin

 Java: It is an object-oriented language. It is a general one that competes with PHP most of
the time. Learning Java is vital for all the web developers due to its high demand among the
recruiters in the software and web fields.

 Ruby: It was designed in Japan. It is a high-level, interpreted programming language. It is not
much popular as compared to Java or PHP. It is still considered while creating web pages and

 Node.js: It is an open-source JavaScript that allows the developers to implement the
JavaScript codes outside the browser. It is used a lot and is highly appreciated by the
recruiters. Recently the use of Node.js has increased a lot, making it play a key role in certain
Freshers and newbies should learn these programming languages especially Java, HTML & CSS,
Bootstrap, and jQuery for Front End web development. If you have experience with these languages,
you are good to start your web page and gain more work through social media and web page. For
Back End development, one should be well versed with PHP and MySQL.

Tips of a Professional Web Developer
The basic tip for a web developer is that you must love writing and editing codes. As the web moves
at a fast pace, it becomes an integral part of your job. You need to know new programming
languages and gain more experience with the current tools gradually. If you know how to solve any
problem logically and rationally, you will surely succeed in the field of computer science. The ability
to keep your head cool with a lot of patience is the basic key to boom in this field.

Hence, here are 7 tips that can encourage you to be a professional web developer:
1. Selecting a forte: As discussed earlier, you need to select either Front End or Back End web
development as your field of specialization. Starting with the Front End web development
will assist you to gain expertise as a Full Stack Developer as well.

2. Attaining expertise in the programming language: As a web developer, you should have
expertise in certain programming languages. They are based according to your forte.
Example JavaScript, HTML & CSS, Boot Strap, etc.

3. Creating an online portfolio with the help of small projects: Being a fresher, you need to
start with completing small projects and then gradually move to the bigger ones. Rushing and making things complex can decrease your credit ability. Big and complicated websites
are developed with simple principles that you have faced while working in these small
projects. After acquiring some skills, you can easily create a web page featuring your
experience and hard work in this field. You can also promote your work through social media
like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., to get more work.

4. Patiently test debugging and testing: After completing the codes, the primary job is to run
for a test. While debugging them, learn them so that whenever you encounter a similar type
of error, you can easily solve it.

5. Interacting with the Web developers’ forum: As you join an active community of web
developers’, you get to learn a lot of things. Like knowing others’ errors, get important
updates, judge others’ work, and other benefits. To keep yourself updated, social media and
various search engines can help a lot.

6. Learning from Different websites: Sites that appeal to you can help in giving updates related
to your forte. This is a nice way to incorporate professionalism. With the help of these sites,
you can learn and use the codes that are needed in the projects.

7. Practice makes a man perfect: You must know that practice can help you shine in your field
as learning all the codes are quite difficult. When you start with small projects, you will learn
simple codes, while gradually dealing with the complex ones you will need to have training
and practice for acing it.

Finding Jobs for Web Developers
Recently, there is a demand for websites and mobile applications. Coders are loaded with work due
to the high demand in the market. if you are a beginner and confused with how to start with, then
here are a few steps that can help you:

 Share your skill and experience: Create your programming language and web page for
getting noticed by the companies. With the help of social media grow your circle and
connections. Create and showcase your skills through programming blogs and social
media, you will be amazed to see the number of job invites you to receive.

 Freelance Sites and Job portals: Enroll in sites that connect the web developers with the
clients. Some examples of freelance sites are Up work, Freelancer, Fiverr, Guru, etc. for
junior developers, the small site with specific skills offer some good opportunities as a

 Discuss and Enquire with people you know: does your friend has his own business? Is your
uncle a real estate agent? If yes, then in the coming years they will soon require a web
development service. You can take advantage and offer them a competitive price and
provide them your best work. This way you can grow with small projects to more complex

This is for all the web developers who are new to this field, do not think that you cannot achieve
anything. Your hard work and experience can make you gain a lot in this industry.

If this article has influenced you, then please share, like, and comment below if you want me to
write for any other topics. I will soon get back to you with a new topic selected by you all.
Thanks! Happy Reading.


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